The author (Kiril Varbanov) is an IT engineer, but also loves F1, hence the software-like naming of the blog.
Its intention is to bring some fascinating facts and figures from the Formula 1 world, as well as present the importance of the aerodynamics and the engineering in general for the sport.
Since 2012 I've been a co-host and tech analyst of the national F1 TV show, columnist at BBC TopGear Bulgaria magazine and AutoBild. I'm also doing some site content contributions at
If you want to email me, put dot between my names and add @ The blog is open for co-authors, guest articles on the matter.
Other point of contact is my Twitter account @Kiril_Varbanov or you can just leave a comment. Here is the Timeline directly.
List of publications
List of publications
- F1 Fen - "Back in shape for 30 days"
- Sportvox -
- Autobild Bulgaria - "Връщане-във-форма-за-30-дни"
- F1 Fen - "Setting up F1 car"
- Multiple F1 Technical forum contributions, example.
- Auto Bild - Simulating a lap
- Mentioned on F1 Fanatic
- Autobild Bulgaria - F1 Engine Maps
- F1Technical news entries -
- TopGear Bulgaria -
The work here is licensed under Creative Commons CC.
In short, this means that you can share, remix, as long as you mention the source (my name, links), but may not use it for commercial purposes without explicit written authorization.